I have forgotten my account password.

Simply click on the My Account button near the top of the screen and below the login box there is a link called Forgot your password? Click this and your password will be sent to your email address. 

If you have any other technical questions you can also send an email to contact@la-maison-du-cristal.fr.


How can I contact you?

Our contact details are available here.


How can I ask you a question?

If you have any other questions then please send a mail to contact@la-maison-du-cristal.fr. We will be happy to send you a reply and you never know, your question may find its way onto our next FAQ.




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contact@la-maison-du-cristal.fr -
Maison Cristal - 34 Chemin du Poudeirac - 06650 Opio - France - Tél : +33 (0)

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